
Attracting Customers In A COVID-19 World

The impact of COVID-19 is going to be far and wide reaching. One aspect that will be keenly felt by customer facing businesses, is how to get punters back in the door.

Now, more than ever, customers are going to need far more convincing to make a booking, or visit the physical premises of a business. Concerns over spacing, layout and the ability to maintain social distancing will need to be much better addressed online by businesses if they want to persuade customers to visit.

How a business is presented online has never been more crucial in today’s new world. The biggest online factor to attract customers is the visual information available to customers..

A 360 Tour is a powerful tool that offers customers the opportunity to ‘step inside a business’ and take a ‘virtual walk-through’ of the premises. It’s this type online experience that can be the determining factor whether a customer makes a visit to a business or not.

So, now is the time to start introducing new visual tools to your website and capture the attention of today’s new type of customers.

ScanView has delivered 360 Tours for all types of businesses - trade showrooms, event venues, accommodation providers, properties, tourist attractions, retail outlets, schools and many more.

For more info on how we can help your business visit -


Huge Demand For 360° Virtual Tours

Huge Demand For 360° Virtual Tours

The global trend of adding virtual tours and images to business websites is now taking off in in the Bay of Plenty, with demand across all industries growing by the day.

ScanView, based in Mount Maunganui, is the only company in the Bay of Plenty delivering customized 360° virtual tours for businesses which allow people to explore any given space from the convenience of their laptop, tablet or smart phone.

ScanView owner Mike Watt began operating in Tauranga and Rotorua last year but is now expanding to Waikato and Auckland on the back of phenomenal growth.